* General Letters for Total(9) n results found

General Letter No Date Category Subject Detail
1778 16-03-2022 Futures and Options... About Changes in Futures and Options Market, FX, OTC Fee Schedule
1776 15-03-2022 Futures and Options... Amendment to the Borsa Istanbul Derivatives Market CCP Service Procedure
1663 16-12-2020 Futures and Options... Amendment to the Borsa Istanbul Derivatives Market CCP Service Procedure
1620 25-03-2020 Futures and Options... About the Clearing and Central Counterparty Service Fee Tariff Regarding Transactions Performed in Over the Counter Derivative Markets
1403 07-02-2018 Futures and Options... Amendment to the Borsa Istanbul Derivatives Market CCP Service Procedure
1373 05-10-2017 Futures and Options... Amendment to the Borsa Istanbul Derivatives Market CCP Procedure
1337 20-02-2017 Futures and Options... Change in BIST Derivatives Market and OTC Leveraged Transaction Services Fees & Commissions
1312 17-11-2016 Futures and Options... Futures and Options Market CCP Procedure Change
1300 19-08-2016 Futures and Options... Meeting to be held regarding the renewal of derivatives clearing & settlement and technological infrastructure within Takasbank