* General Letters for Total(373) n results found

General Letter No Date Category Subject Detail
1989 12-07-2024 Central Counterparty Data to be used by Banks in Calculating Capital Requirement for the Exposures to Qualified Transactions with Central Counterparties
1987 09-07-2024 Equities and Debt Securities... Changes to the Clearing and Settlement and CCP Service Procedure for the Debt Securities Market Provided Central Counterparty Service
1985 02-07-2024 Equities and Debt Securities... Automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) of cash receivables Debt Securities Market to Banks
1981 14-06-2024 Equities and Debt Securities... About the Developments for Blocking the Repo Security for the Duration of the Repo in the Equity Repo Market
1979 11-06-2024 Takasbank Money Markets... About Changes in Takasbank Money Market (TMM) Procedure
1978 10-06-2024 Securities Lending Market... About Amendments to the Procedure on the Application Principles of Takasbank Securities Lending Market (SLM)
1971 22-04-2024 Central Counterparty Data to be used by Banks in Calculating Capital Requirement for the Exposures to Qualified Transactions with Central Counterparties
1967 02-04-2024 Central Counterparty Allocated and Committed Capital Amounts for the Markets where CCP Service is Provided Related Parties: Banks and Brokerage Firms
1965 19-03-2024 Public Collateral Management... Acceptance of All Electronic Performance Guarantee Letters to be Accepted as Collateral under Law No. 4735 through Takasbank Public Collateral Management Platform (TKTYP)
1964 19-03-2024 Public Collateral Management... Acceptance of All Electronic Performance Bonds to be Accepted as Collateral under Law No. 4735 through Takasbank Public Collateral Management Platform (TKTYP)