Organized Natural Gas Market Transaction Hours  Hours  Half Day
Advance Payment 2 p.m
Advance Payment (default) 2 p.m - 5 p.m
Distribution of Advance Receivables By the time 5 p.m
Invoice Payments By the end of the fourth working day following the notification date 
Distribution of Invoice Receivables By the end of the fifth working day following the notification date 
Transfer of Receivables via EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer)  Twice a day 3 p.m and 5 p.m 
Margin Call (Imbalance and Invoice Transaction)  Till 3 p.m of the first working day following the notification date
Collateral Withdrawal (Transaction) Collateral withdrawal by the time 3 p.m
Start and Cut-Off Time for Cash Withdrawal (Imbalance and Invoice Transaction) 8 a.m - 3:40 p.m
Cut-Off Time for Non-Cash Withdrawal  5 p.m
TRY Cash Collateral Interest Accural Time  3:40 p.m  10:45a.m          
Takasbank Commission Payment  By the end of the fourth working day following the notification date